Wednesday, 21 March 2012

I finally got my stomach back.

Last week, I went to the hospital Lab and picked up my stomach. When you undergo any type of surgery (in NZ I'm not sure about the rest of the world) you can request to have your tissue, or body part returned to you. All you have to do is sign a form saying you want it back and when you are discharged from hospital you should get a copy of the form, if you don't have a copy of the form the Lab won't hand over your tissue (you can request another one from the patient file place but it's a pain in the butt) You have to wait until the lab has finished doing tests on it etc. It took roughly 3 months for them to finish with mine. It has been preserved in formalin so I could put it in a jar and keep it forever if I want to, but it looks really gross and kinda creeps me out so I think I will just stick to my original plan of burying it. Here is a photo. Sorry if it grosses you out!