Thursday, 23 February 2012

8 week post Surgery Checkup

Now, I know it's been ages since I posted anything on here but what can I say,  I'm LAZY! And I have a 6 month old baby who generally takes up most of my time, but mostly I'm lazy.
Yesterday (13th Feb) I saw my surgeon for the first time since he removed my stomach eight weeks ago. Can't believe it's only been eight weeks, it feels like I have had no stomach forever.
The appointment was super quick.
He asked how I was feeling, if I have any light headedness after eating, any other symptoms of dumping, all of which I answered no. He was happy and jokingly said he should use me as an example of how well this surgery can work for someone.
He then checked out my scar, he said it looked like it was done healing, but was still quite raised, so hopefully it wouldn't become too hypertrophic. I asked if there was anything I could do to prevent that happening and he said it could be treated with steroid cream or injections. But I don't really care about the scar, I actually quite like it. I then told him that I have more problems drinking enough fluid (makes me feel sick) than I do eating enough food. He said that was interesting.
Now it was my turn to ask some questions...
Since the surgery I had accumulated so many questions to ask the doctor, but when I got there I barely remembered any of them, so I highly recommend keeping a notebook or diary or something to jot down any thing that pops into your head on a day to day basis.
These were the questions I asked him...

Can I take anti inflammatory medication like ibuprofen etc?
Answer: Yes, I wouldn't live on them but yes you can take them.

When can I start playing sport again, in particular basketball.
Answer: Now, just take it easy.

And that was it! Pathetic I know.
Other questions I should have asked.

Will I be able to have another baby and if so what will the complications be?
Although everything is going well at the moment could I have complications in the future?
Will I ever have a solid bowel movement again?
Will I start putting on more weight, or is my food processed in a way which prevents weight gain?
When will my stitches be dissolved?
Can I drink alcohol, or will I be completely wasted after one beer?
Do I have to have regular checks for cancer?
Did they lab find anything when they tested my stomach post surgery?
I'm sure there is more but once again I can't remember..
He said that doesn't have to see me again, but he will just one more time, maybe in 6 months, to see how I am doing. 
He then took me next door so he could tell some other doctors that I had a total gastrectomy with a hunt lawrence pouch and that I eat normal meals. They seemed surprised and my doctor seemed very happy about it, I think I am one of the lucky ones. The doctors he introduced me to were actually the ones I saw everyday during rounds when I was in hospital (they didn't remember me) One said he initially didn't recognise me because I looked so different.
Fair enough I looked like a mess when I was in hospital.
And that was my post opp 8 week checkup.