Monday, 9 January 2012

Throwing Up

Before I had my stomach removed I read an article someone had written about their experience living with a gastrecomy. In the article he said that since having the surgery he no longer had the apparatus to throw up and if he was sick everything just seemed to come out the other end. So naturally I thought that this was a normal consequence of having a gastrectomy and something that I would have to live with. However, much to my surprise when I was in hospital I discovered that I still have the ability to throw up! After surgery the doctors kept giving me anti nausea meds to make sure that I didn't vomit. They actually said that it was really important for me to try and avoid throwing up because it would put too much stress on the new digestive route that the surgeons had made me and the last thing I wanted was to bust a stitch. Not to mention the pain it would cause me, considering my abdominal muscles had been cut in half. Anyway a couple of days ago I ventured out of the house (a rare occurrence these days) to the mall with my sister. I felt like eating sushi which I've eaten a few times since my gastrectomy and had no problems with. To cut a long story short, I ate a piece of sushi while window shopping and I ate it way to fast and next thing I know I'm vomiting in a rubbish bin in front of a bunch of spectators that seemed like they weren't sure whether to look away or ask me if I was okay. It wasn't the type of vomiting where you make loud noises and there is so much force it comes out your nose. I just vomited once, the sushi came back up and about 30 seconds later I felt fine and carried on walking around the mall. Perhaps some people who have a gastrectomy can't vomit but now I know that I definitely can and it felt exactly the same as it did when I had a stomach. I'm actually really happy I can still vomit because as I said, 30 seconds after the sushi came back up I felt totally fine, just imagine if I wasn't able to throw it up. I would have just felt sick and not been able to do anything about it except wait for it to pass. Which would have really put a downer on my first real trip out of the house.

Thursday, 5 January 2012

An actual regular size meal!

I think things have finally turned a corner for me! Last night I ate a regular size meal, about the size of what I was eating prior to my gastrectomy, and it didn't make me feel sick, or give me any other unpleasant side affects. The only thing I felt was a little bit full which was actually a nice sensation. I had silverbeet, carrots, home made fries and a small piece of steak. I thought that maybe this was some sort of fluke or freak accident so tonight I ate another large meal and it's been nearly two hours since I ate and I haven't had any side effects yet. HOW EXCITING! I really hope that this continues because I was starting to feel a little bit down in the dumps about everything. I would find myself lying around wondering if this was going to be my life from now on, constantly feeling nauseous and tired and not being able to eat what I want. So as I'm sure you can imagine actually being able to eat like a normal person has really cheered me up and I hope that things will only get better from here, it has only been three weeks after all. Oh and while I am talking about eating I know in my last post I said I'd let you know how the cheese burger went down and I've got to say that I really don't think that cheese burgers are the type of food that were intended to be chewed so thoroughly. By the time I had finishing chewing, it tasted so gross that I didn't even want to swallow it. I find the same thing happens with meat, you have to chew it up so much that it ends up tasting similar to what I'd expect cat food to taste like. Lucky I am not a big meat eater.

Monday, 2 January 2012

3 weeks post suregery

It's been exactly three weeks since I had my gastrectomy, and I'd like to say that things are getting back to normal but it's still much of the same. My incision site has stopped leaking serous fluid (if it doesn't leak out it can build up under the skin and then requires a trip to the doctor to get it drained) and is healing nicely, it still hurts though and often makes sleeping uncomfortable. I am eating pretty well, and usually eat whatever I want (just very slowly in small quantities). I ignored the advice to avoid sugar and had brandy snaps with cream and strawberries last night. I am happy to report that it didn't cause me any pain or dumping symptoms, i think it helps that I make sure I never eat sweet food on an empty tummy (or should I be saying empty intestine?)  Most days I don't get much stomach pain but I quite often feel nauseous after eating, which really sucks. I've found that if I lie down and try to sleep the nausea normally goes away. I am still really tired all the time and have at least two naps during the day. Everyone has told me that I won't feel hungry or have much of an appetite, but I feel the opposite. I don't feel hunger in the traditional sense it's more like my whole body is screaming at me to eat something, it's worse than feeling hungry and I hate it! I find that it's worst in the morning. I've been wondering If I should try having a snack in the night so I don't wake up feeling so awful. I also get headaches, which I presume is from low blood sugar. Another thing I've experienced is an unquenchable thirst, I find myself wanting to drink big glasses of water but can only ever manage small sips or I feel too sick. Most things I've read advise not to drink and eat at the same time but i find that drinking a little while eating helps me chew the food easier. Chewing everything to mush is hard work and a little liquid just helps to get it a bit more mushier, especially if you are eating meat. I'm going to have a cheese burger for dinner tonight so I'll keep you posted on how that goes down, literally.